One Arm Point (The orther arm is with the shark!)

Big fishes

Big fishes

The original text about the sharks at One Arm Point that was published here was meant to be a little joke and to give people a chuckle.
The author was not happy with the ensuing conversation and has asked me to remove the text.

While the comments below may not have been what the author intended, I do think they provide interesting insights about the sharks at One Arm Point, at other parts of Cape Leveque, and about people's very different perceptions of them (as well as other controversial subjects that invariably come up when talking about Aboriginal communities).

Comments for One Arm Point (The orther arm is with the shark!)

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Jun 05, 2010
by: Anonymous

Yes, those sharks are clever. They can hear the noise of the spear gun and will take your fish still on the spear. At low tide, go to the end of the boat ramp and click your spear gun. You will see your "friends" appearing from everywhere. Enigma.

Jul 26, 2011
Get Your facts right!!!
by: Anonymous

What a bunch of crap!! Having lived there for 3 years, those lemon sharks are well known for being totally harmless. Jeez... even the local kids play with them (we did after we got off the boat after a day of brilliant fishing off Sunday Island). They are not ferocious at all and the dogs know it. For goodness sake I wish these stupid tourists would stop making ridiculous comments because the only way to get their facts right is to live in these places before they make those stupid comments, and incidentally OAP (One Arm Point) is not remote, it's only a couple of hours from Broome). I suggest people focus on the slaying of dugongs and turtles and undersized fish that we as white Australians are forbidden to catch, maybe the RSPCA should go up to these places and see what goes on - but then that wouldn't be allowed would it!!! That would be seen as racist or "the poor Aboriginals people have to eat". AGAIN I say get your facts right before you comment and please live in an Aboriginal community (for at least 6mths) to really see what goes on before you comment and believe me you WILL change your mind. They are NOT hard done by!!!

Jul 05, 2012
Happy tourist
by: Anonymous

...apparently some (anonymous) people don't make the difference between humorous comments and facts...
I'm sorry for them if tourists are interested in visiting "their" country but I'd suggest them to visit other countries and meet different people, that might open their mind! (Even if I have a doubt about this being possible...)

Jun 12, 2013
by: Sharpy

Having been to One Arm Point from 1977 to present and having dived all through the islands and mainland in that time I had no trouble with sharks except the odd fish gets stolen off the end of the spear gun. Some people see some sharks and expect the worst, lemon sharks? I have also been in the water feeding those same sharks with turtle waste. Wake up before you trash a fantastic place to experience with great people.

Jan 03, 2014
Lemon sharks
by: Ex contractor

I for the most part agree with "Anonymous". I've worked in the community for 4yrs (based locally in Broome). I've swum with the sharks and watched local dogs diving underwater for them. Then one day the footage went viral! A local mate jumped on a shark and dragged the bugger out by its tail, then let it go. It is a novelty for visitors but yes... the pillaging of turtle and dugong is a sad truth along with the turtle eggs.
We subsidise the fuel for power, transport for fuel, state of the art medical centre and you are "charged" to enter the community to spend money!!! WTF?

Oct 07, 2017
RE: "Get Your facts right!!!"
by: Someone From Beagle Bay...

I can't see how you think the place is full of supposedly harmless sharks. I hand-fed grey nurse sharks and lemon sharks myself.

The fact that you call out the tourists' comments as "complete crap" astounds me. I still hold back a little fear for these sharks. Because one of them may be a bull shark. I have been to Round Rock where I caught a 1m queenie, and it got chased by a few bulls and even nurse sharks.

I've been at the boat ramp (hatchery) at high tide when bull sharks have swam around my fishing rock. I've also been there at low tide when I got freaked out when a blacktip 1.5m darted straight past me, and I could see bulls in the distance, not quite deep enough to swim in yet...

It's like saying "Yeah. That creek is all right to swim in, it only has freshies in it".

To fellow tourists, don't be shy of fishing the water. It's a great place! Just be careful, that is all.

Oct 07, 2017
RE: "Get Your facts right!!!"
by: Someone From Beagle Bay...

P.S. I completely agree with your talk about Aboriginals. Very stupid what they do.

Jun 30, 2019
Seems the division is the other way now
by: Anonymous

Charging to go into communities is just dividing us more, it’s happening all around Australia, yet we are paying for their school, to feed their kids breakfast, lunch and tea in some places, fuel, electricity, medical centres, it’s just ridiculous. Close the gap! WTF!

Jan 18, 2020
Really supporting them. Just like the government supports the fire brigade..👍
by: Anonymous

Well looking at the last comment I would need to say that once you have raped an indigenous culture of its own pride and trampled their lands - YES you will pay and continue to pay until the plight of 150 years of abuse is payed back.

Aug 19, 2020
Aboriginal country
by: Anonymous

Well said Jan 2020.

May 28, 2024
Add to 2020 thank you NEW
by: Anonymous foreigner, resident 63 years 63 years

For all the uneducated, negative of the indigenous plight, please read David Marr's "Killing For Country", I dare you, then you might want to wash the red off your necks (with apologies)

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