Map of Kununurra

Interactive and printable maps of Kununurra, WA

First an overview map of where Kununurra is, for those who need to orientate themselves:

Overview Map of Kununurra

As you can see, Kununurra is a bit closer to Darwin than to Broome. (It's just over 800 km to Darwin, and just over 1000 km to Broome.)

Printable map of Kununurra

Click on the map image below to get to the full sized version at the Kununurra Visitor Centre website. The file is a PDF so you can print it.

I don't like the map as much as the map of Broome, but it is still a good map. It fits neatly on a standard A4 page and the print is big enough to read.

This Kununurra street map shows all the streets, highlights accommodation, caravan parks, art galleries, diamond shops, lookouts, parks and reserves, as well boat ramps, fuel stations...

It's a decent and highly informational Kununurra map. Print it, laminate it if you like, and take it with you on your trip.

Kununurra Map

Interactive Map of Kununurra

In the map below, use the controls to zoom in or out, to move around Kununurra or to switch to satellite view if you want to have a closer look:

Kununurra, Australia
main page

Kununurra Attractions

Kununurra Waterfalls

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