Gibb River Road Map

Here are several Gibb River Road Maps.

The first two maps give you an overview of the area and show where all the main attractions and gorges are.

Below those you can find a recommendation for a physical map of the Gibb River Road.

Maps of the Gibb River Road

Australia map showing the Kimberley region.

If you have no idea where the Gibb River Road is at all, look at the simple map below, showing the north western corner of Australia:

The Great Northern Highway leads up the west coast to Broome and then skirts the southern edge of the Kimberley. The Gibb is a short cut right through the Kimberley and connects Derby near Broome on the west coast with Kununurra in the East Kimberley.

The roads branching of it are the Leopold Downs Road (taking you to Tunnel Creek and Windjana Gorge, between Derby and Fitzroy Crossing) and the Kalumburu Road (takes you to the Mitchell Falls).

The road out of Halls Creek is the Duncan Road. (The Tanami Road is not shown in this map.)

Here is a more detailed map of the Gibb, showing all the attractions and gorges:

This map is also included in my free Kimberley guide, which gives you a really good overview of absolutely everything there is to see and do in the Kimberley, when to best do it, how to, and more.

Here is the page that lists all the driving distances for the Gibb.

If you want a really good physical map of the Gibb River Road you can't go past the HEMA Kimberley map.

I already recommend it as the best overall Kimberley map on another page, and on that page you can find out why:
Kimberley and Gibb River Rd. Map

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Travelling to the Kimberley?

The FREE Kimberley Pocket Guide
A great introduction to travel in the Kimberley region and along the Gibb. This free resource will answer all the questions you might have in the early stages of planning a trip.

Destination Kimberley
The full Kimberley travel guide shows you how to make the most of your adventure at Australia's last frontier. Destination Kimberley includes the most detailed and most current guide to the Gibb River Road available anywhere. Also called "The Bible" by its readers.

Travelling to the Northern Territory?

Destination Top End offers the same comprehensive, detailed insider information for the tropical regions of the Northern Territory. Be the best informed traveller in the Kakadu, Litchfield and Katherine Gorge national parks and beyond!

A must have if you travel to or from Darwin.

NEW! Destination Red Centre is the latest addition in this popular series. Monica Coleman takes you through Australia's red Outback heart, offering all the detail and insider tips that you have come to know and love about our guides. With special emphasis on Aboriginal communities and culture.

A must have if you travel to or from Alice Springs/Uluru.

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